
Life Testimony

Many people say that I am very lucky to be where I am today. I am grateful for God’s blessings in my life. I have been given many unexpected blessings, and His plan is beautiful for my life. This page is dedicated to sharing my testimony with all of you, that God always looks after His children. May this serve as a reminder to all of us. There is no ivory without cracks; let us learn from each other and correct one another.

2019: The Year of Hope and Joyful

In 2019, I felt compelled to write my first testimony in a book (softcopy) to share with others. My writing began in June 2019 when I was called to missionary service by God and became rooted in a church. I named this year “the year of hope and joyful” because God brought new hope and joy into my life. I was slowly guided to calm waters and introduced to Him. There are interesting topics you can take from my journey in 2019:

  • June 2019: I talked about the significant changes in my life within God and how to respond appropriately to the modernization of the world. We know that the world is full of temptations and challenges that increase day by day. It is our perspective that helps us endure in this world. Read more
  • July 2019: I talked about my true friend, the Holy Spirit. He always guides my life and tells me about everything new for me. Here, I will share what it means to be a prisoner of the Holy Spirit, the desires of my heart, and the fruits of the Spirit. Read more
  • August 2019: I talked about a message. A message can have many meanings in life, and I myself captured the message that God gave me. In the midst of self-doubt, I found meaning. Read more
  • September 2019: I talked about a relationship. Relationships are the most important thing for humans. Be a person who impacts others, starting with small steps, like praying for others. For those of you looking for a partner, I also discuss it here. Read more
  • October 2019: I talked about leadership. Unconsciously, I was pushed to become a leader. Ready or not, there are times when we are pushed to become leaders. Read more
  • November 2019: I talked about love. In fact, the meaning of love has very diverse interpretations. Love God and others, and be different, which I emphasize in this writing. Read more
  • December 2019: I talked about joy. Joy at the end of the year prompted me to write this. Many blessings and God’s love have poured into my life. I also dissect how to be happy and joyful in all actions. Read more

2020: The Year of Unity and Acceleration

In 2020, I also wrote reflections on strengthening called “The year of Unity and Acceleration.” I believe that there is acceleration in God’s unity. Let’s prepare ourselves to face the extraordinary turmoil happening in this era, especially since there is a tremendous upheaval. Get used to approaching Him. If you want to read online in 2020, click here.

2021: The Year of Praise and Provision

In 2021, I embarked on a journey to comprehend the depths of human existence, finding myself in a year that I’d like to refer to as “The Year of Praise and Provision.” This was a time of profound introspection and exploration, where I contemplated the significance of our existence and how we can radiate our light in this vast world.

The year 2021 was not just another passing year; it was a period of profound self-discovery. It was a year where I pondered the grand tapestry of life and our roles within it. I set out to understand the essence of our presence in this world and the remarkable ways in which we impact the world around us.

I firmly believe that every one of us has a unique purpose. It is this purpose that gives meaning to our lives and sets us on a course of fulfillment and contentment. Understanding this purpose and living in alignment with it is the key to making a meaningful difference in the world.

“The Year of Praise and Provision” signifies not only acknowledging our unique purpose but also expressing gratitude for the blessings and opportunities that come our way. It’s a year where we not only reflect on what we can achieve but also celebrate the victories, large and small, that shape our lives. Praise becomes a way of life, a constant reminder of the goodness that surrounds us.

As I look back on the past year, I am filled with appreciation for the lessons learned, the challenges faced, and the growth experienced. It’s a year that has reinforced the idea that life is a dynamic journey, with each day offering a chance to embrace new opportunities, make a positive impact, and express gratitude for the abundance that life provides.

2021 has been a year of personal growth and self-discovery. It’s been a year where I’ve strived to shine my light and make a positive difference in the world. I’ve realized that our ability to shine is directly linked to our understanding of our purpose. When we are aligned with our purpose, our actions are infused with passion and authenticity, and our impact on the world is profound.

Moreover, “The Year of Praise and Provision” has taught me the importance of celebrating the present moment. It’s easy to get caught up in the pursuit of future goals and aspirations, but it’s equally important to acknowledge and celebrate the here and now. Each day is a gift, an opportunity to offer praise and gratitude for the blessings we have in our lives.

As we transition into a new year, the lessons from “The Year of Praise and Provision” remain etched in my heart. I carry with me a deep sense of purpose and an unwavering commitment to live a life that radiates positivity, gratitude, and authentic living. I believe that by embracing our purpose, expressing praise, and being open to the provisions of life, we can create a world that is abundant in love, kindness, and fulfillment.

So, as we step into the future, I invite you to join me on this journey of purpose, praise, and provision. Let’s celebrate the uniqueness of our existence and make every day a testament to the blessings that surround us.

If you want to delve deeper into the insights and reflections of “The Year of Praise and Provision,” you can read more online by clicking here.

2022: The Year of Miracles and Giving

In the year 2022, I came to realize that there are extraordinary things beyond our imagination. It is for this reason that I have chosen to label 2022 as “The Year of Miracles and Giving.” God is always involved in every journey of our lives, and there is a beautiful plan being prepared. We need to actively participate in God’s work by sharing with others.

If you wish to read more online in 2022, click here.

2023: The Year of Preparation and Fellowship

In 2023, understanding the meaning of life in the world is a reflective journey that often leads us to question our purpose and direction.

These reflections encapsulate a journey of spiritual growth, emphasizing the importance of understanding one’s purpose, responding to God’s call, seeking forgiveness, cultivating positive relationships, embracing faith, and experiencing the transformative power of love and salvation. Each passage offers valuable insights into living a meaningful and purposeful life grounded in spiritual principles.

If you wish to read more online in 2023, click here.


If you require prayers or assistance, we stand ready to support you. Please feel free to share your requests below, and we will be here to offer our help and guidance.

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